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Chuchu troubles

for The past 2 weeks I’ve had the same dream. I was surrounded by chuchu. All of them were yellow and blue. They would all jump toward me and then freeze. They would violently shake and a giant chuchu would eat me. Then in the latest dream... the chuchu said: “be ready for next time”. Now I keep seeing LOZ. Should I be worried?

- TrainerBlack200

TrainerBlack, be afraid. Be very afraid. A man once said, "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself," but this is of course nonsense. We all have to fear a lot of things in our lives, like poverty, armed robbery and Tuesdays. I for one would reconsider my way of life that includes grabbing small animals and shoving them into miniature spheres and only taking them out for your own sick amusement as you force them to battle for their lives. This dream is your subconscious telling you to stop abusing your chuchu (which must be some sort of new evolution for the Chupacabra, a well known Wallet Creature or WallCrea ® as they're known in the community) and let them free to roam the wilds once more.

Believe me, there is nothing like the fury of a chuchu scorned. They're probably planning to poop you out next time too.

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