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Back from the Bed!

No, not back from the dead. I took a year long nap. It's hard being brilliant, so you have to rest your brain.

User "Spike" had this to say-

Real Blogman, Is there any way I can be myself around others without risking anyone getting impaled on me? Every time it happens, I just feel like I should never have existed in the first place. I try to avoid such feelings by withdrawing whenever I see anyone getting too close. But sometimes I get distracted and end up hurting people anyway, and therefore also myself. Commitment seems like a flat and static trap to me. So in an effort to preserve what I perceive as my freedom, I stay rooted where I am, refusing to budge for anyone. Surely the deeper I allowed myself to get into something, the more blood there would be when I left. Hypothetically, I could dodge these situations entirely if I just stayed hidden in my hole in the ground forever. But I keep popping out anyway. Maybe I just wanted to be a glint, but not a light. Hoped to be helpful, but not needed. To be accepted, but not expected. To be liked, but not loved. Maybe I just wanted to poke at things. A little, but not a lot. Up and down. Here and not. As I please. I probably am just a giant prick. But if I dull myself down more, what would even be the point anymore? In 'n' out, Spike

Spike, buddy, have you ever heard the phrase 'Brevity is the soul of wit?" Neither have I.

Your problem is that you're trying to make friends with all the wrong people. Some guys, especially that Mega Man guy (he just goes to pieces whenever someone sharp is around), are just not your type. You may think someone like Mario is all right, but before long you'll make him feel small and he'll avoid you like everyone else who doesn't appreciate you. But there's someone for you. You see all those little minions that spawn all over the place? They may walk all over you, but they won't be hurt by you. Either that, or check out a little guy named Thwomp. There may be a place for someone like you in his heart, or at least on top of his head.

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